Life Script Hypnosis
This audio helps connect you to understand your current life script. There are many benefits to exploring your chosen life script. Here are just a few of them:
1. Increased self-understanding.
2. Explore your connection to ancient cultures.
3. Understand your present day relationships and experiences.
4. Understand and heal the past-life roots of present day illnesses or conditions
5. Come to an understanding of your life's true purpose.
6.Remove blocks to freedom, success, and happiness.
Spiritual Hypnosis is a vehicle through which you may explore the un-manifest realm of existence and the nature of reality.
Spiritual approach to hypnosis does not require a belief in a personal deity, a religion, or a belief in the existence of an immortal soul. However, it does require a willingness to explore the possibility that within each one of us is an inner wisdom and intuition that can guide us through our life experiences. At the heart of Spiritual Awakening is the belief that as we connect with this higher awareness we do transform. As we transform, we are emboldened to create the life we envision for ourselves.
This depth of work is also a beautiful complement to your spiritual practice, be it yoga or meditation, journal writing, martial arts or any other spiritual pursuit that uncovers shadow, fears, blocks and/or anxiety. In these audio you will break through your deepest blocks and barriers. Frequent use is encouraged and all audio is downloadable for use on any device.
Based on the work of Sigmund Freud - the human mind can be split into three distinct areas of consciousness; the conscious, subconscious and unconscious. It can be useful to think of each part of the mind on a scale of depth.
Freud believed that the conscious mind is the top or shallowest part of the mind and is responsible for making sense of the things we are directly aware of – like stress levels.
The subconscious mind is below consciousness most of the time, a deeper level – it is therefore not so easily accessible and controls how we may feel or react to certain situations or circumstances, based on what we have learnt through experience, in the past. It also controls and regulates our essential bodily functions, such as breathing.
The unconscious mind is the deepest part of our mind and is much more difficult to reach – it can include suppressed memories of traumatic events.
Through physical and mental relaxation, guided hypnosis can allow people to bypass their conscious minds and introduce positive thoughts and ideas into their unconscious. Upon ‘awakening’ from the hypnotic state the new thoughts and ideas in the subconscious will, eventually, affect the conscious mind and can, in turn, lead to changed behaviours.
Through physical and mental relaxation, guided-hypnosis can allow people to bypass their conscious minds and introduce positive thoughts and ideas into their unconscious. Upon ‘awakening’ from the hypnotic state the new thoughts and ideas in the subconscious will, eventually, affect the conscious mind and can, in turn, lead to greater awareness, intuition and prosperity.